

Baboooo (OrganiK Circus Records)

2000年代半ばよりPsy Trance DJとして活動を開始。都内のクラブや全国各地の野外パーティーにてキャリアを積む傍ら、2010年頃よりパーティーオーガナイズも開始。自身がこよなく愛するDark Forest Psy Tranceを中心に、その時々で旬な国内外のDJ、アーティストによる旬なサイケデリック体験を提案し続けている。

2023年よりロンドンに拠点を置くOrganiK Circus RecordsにLabel DJとしてサイン。同レーベルの特色である有機的なサイケデリックサウンドを幅広く普及すべく活動中。

Started his career as a Psy Trance DJ in the mid-2000s. Kept building it by performing at clubs in Tokyo and outdoor parties across the country. Around 2010, began organizing parties as well. Passionately focused on Dark Forest Psy Trance, my favorite genre, and continuously offering fresh psychedelic experiences featuring both domestic and international DJs and artists who are in vogue at the time.

In 2023, signed on as a Label DJ with OrganiK Circus Records, based in London. Actively working to spread the label’s unique organic psychedelic sound far and wide.

[Label / Bandcamp]



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